All events will take place in the Small Hall of the main building of the University of Latvia, Rainis blvd. 19, Riga, Latvia
Favorite Lecture Demonstrations with Optics and Acoustics
Richard W. Peterson, Bethel University, St. Paul, MN 55112,, 651-638-6465
Lecture demonstrations have impacted the lives of many who work in optics as they can often inspire the creative and experimental part of our discipline, while also adding important insights beyond those of abstract equations. We will consider two such demonstrations and the optical applications that they have inspired. One demonstration will convey both the curse and metrological potential of optical feedback into a simple He-Ne laser, leading to knowledge of longitudinal mode structure and the polarization of adjacent modes, while becoming a powerful time-honored interferometric tool as a “coupled-cavity” interferometer(a,b)Secondly, we will consider how exhaustive optical diagnostics (heterodyne interferometry, knife-edge shock measurements, and pulsed Schlieren) of the spectacular ping-pong cannon demonstration have combined with a one-dimensional numerical simulation to yield a fascinating understanding of the key role played by propagating shock waves in the explosive exit of the ball from this linear expansion tube(c,d).
(a)Plasma Diagnostic Techniques, Richard Huddlestone and Stanley Leonard, Academic Press, Monographs on Pure and Applied Physics, NY (1965). Ch. 10, p. 461-465. (b)Vibration-resistant direct-phase-detecting interferometers, T. B. Carlson, et al, Applied Optics, 36, No. 28, 1 October 1997.
(c)R. Peterson, B. Pulford, and K. Stein, “The Ping-Pong Cannon: A Closer Look,” The Physics Teacher, 43, January 2005, p. 22-25 (d)G. Olson, R. Peterson, B. Pulford, M. Seaberg, K. Stein, C. Stelter, R. Weber, “The Role of Shock Waves in Expansion Tube Accelerators,” Am. J. Phys, 74 (12), December 2006, p. 1071-1076
No Viesis @ 18.04.2008 11:38
Prieks redzēt arī dažas meitenes starp prezentētājām. Skaitā gan diemžēl daudz mazāk nekā puiši.
No Viesis @ 18.04.2008 13:51
Ja padzēstu daudzās liekās atstarpes būtu daudz pārskatāmāk
No andreass @ 18.04.2008 18:47
mazliet palaboju, tagad ir pārskatāmāk.
BTW. Ļoti iesaku atnākt uz vieslektora Richard W. Peterson lekciju, ja pārējās prezentācijas būs ar diezgan specifisku ievirzi, tad vieslektora lekcija solās būt visiem saprotama un interesanta.
No Viesis @ 24.07.2014 10:59
For many couples completing the wedding budget planner brings a realization that they just cannot afford the wedding they envisaged and will have to make some sacrifices along the way to bring it on budget. There is also something very Hollywood about hiring a wedding planner which may or may not appeal to you. Remember this is for you two; it is between you and your fiancé, so there wouldnt be a third party.. However, if purchasing your dress from this organization is an inconvenience for you, look for a wedding dress that is made from organic cotton, linen, silk and hemp. Choose stylish shrugs or stoles and take a pretty umbrella with you too.
Global Vape Company Email List of Vape Shops and Vape Wholesalers and E-Liquid Distributors
Did you know that there are over 38,000 vape companies around the world that you can contact today? Whether you run an e-liquid line or a vape wholesale business, these vape company emails can help you to reach practically all vape companies with your message. Are you tired from not making enough B2B sales to vape shops and vape wholesalers? Do you find most of your marketing to be unproductive? Do you want to take your vape business to the next level and start exploding your sales? Here is the secret sauce that has helped over 500 e-liquid brands and wholesalers from around the world since 2012! Some ejuice companies have even tried to buy us out because they felt that the accessibility of this list was putting them against a lot of competition from smaller vape companies and e-liquid brands! This hopefully helps to illustrate just how powerful this vape company email list is!
Vape Shops (brick-and-mortar and online)
Vape Wholesalers and distributors
E-Liquid Companies
Vape Event Organisers
Vape magazines
Vape reviewers
Promotional messages
Introductory emails
Guest post outreach for backlink building
Much more
Following multiple requests from our clients, our e-mail marketing team has worked hard over the past three months to bring you an e-mail list of ALL vape businesses around the world. We have combined all e-mail addresses from our vape shop databases, contacts, business cards from over 50 vape exhibitions, public domain, subscriber lists and other sources. Our entire mailing list has been scrubbed to weed out vape businesses that have gone out of business or changed their domain names to bring you a clean and verified mailing list of vape businesses around the world. Upon payment, the Vape Company E-Mail Mailing List is available as an INSTANT DOWNLOAD in a notepad .txt format that you can simply upload to your subscriber list. Then all you have to do is create a beautiful newsletter campaign and hit the send button. Our Vape Company E-Mail Mailing List has over 38,000 email addresses of brick-and-mortar vape shops, e-liquid wholesalers and distributors, online vape shops, e-liquid brands, vape event organisers, vape communities, vape magazines, vape reviewers and much more! Our team is constantly verifying and updating the Vape Company email list to bring you only the latest vape company leads.
Are you looking to make your e-liquid or vape brand a global success? Do you want to see your e-liquid or vape brand inside every shop around the world? Our global vape shop database will connect your vape brand with thousands of vape shops around the world and subsequently, increase your revenues and profit. Our global vape shop database has been compiled manually by our internal team over a long period of time through contacts gained at vape exhibitions and publicly available resources.
Do you ever wonder, how today's big e-juice brands became big? They did what mattered the most- approached vape stores and established a rapport with vape store owners. We see many excellent e-juice brands that still fail or do not do as well as they should, simply because they do not do what matters- SELL THEIR E-JUICE TO VAPE SHOPS! (this should be the ultimate goal of any vape-related business). Our Global Vape Shop Database connects the dots between e-juice brands and the vape shops!
Content marketing is extremely important for increasing your website traffic as well as your SEO rankings. Right now, the major search engines are looking at how long visitors are spending on your site to decide how to rank your site.
It is extremely important to have QUALITY blog posts that are interesting to read and add value to your site. As my experience has shown, poor quality spun articles will get you nowhere.
I have been involved in the vape market for the past 7 years and know pretty much everything about it, including all the major vape companies, e-juice brands, vape mods, nicotine salts, vape laws and more.
With this service, I will write up articles for your blog. I recommend that you keep your article titles relatively broad instead of focusing too much on individual products. Each piece will be conversational, well-researched and fun to read.
Simply send me your article titles and leave everything else to me.
Frequently Asked Questions
I need more than 10 articles.
You can order multiple packages or I could send you a custom offer, whichever works best for you.
What makes you a good writer?
My knowledge of the vape industry is what gives me an unparalleled advantage over other writers who have no experience in this field. Instead of writing the bare basics about the vape market, I can also write very critical and in-depth pieces.
Can you help me to come up with the topics?
Absolutely. Just send me your site and tell me a bit more about your business and I will put together some prospective titles.
How do I choose my blog titles?
I would recommend that you do not choose very broad article titles such as what is vaping because it will be very difficult to rank this article on the search engines due to the high keyword competition. Try to stick to more specialised titles such as nicotine salts guide.
Why is content important for my blog?
Each piece of content or each article translates into more visitors. More quality content equals to more visitors.
Are you looking to make your e-liquid or vape brand a global success? Do you want to see your e-liquid or vape brand inside every shop around the world? Our global vape shop database will connect your vape brand with thousands of vape shops around the world and subsequently, increase your revenues and profit. Our global vape shop database has been compiled manually by our internal team over a long period of time through contacts gained at vape exhibitions and publicly available resources.
Do you ever wonder, how today's big e-juice brands became big? They did what mattered the most- approached vape stores and established a rapport with vape store owners. We see many excellent e-juice brands that still fail or do not do as well as they should, simply because they do not do what matters- SELL THEIR E-JUICE TO VAPE SHOPS! (this should be the ultimate goal of any vape-related business). Our Global Vape Shop Database connects the dots between e-juice brands and the vape shops!
was discovered that leaving a comment with a link back to your own website on other people’s blogs was a simple and fast way to get new backlinks.
Once you post a comment, your words become part of the article itself, and the majority of people who read that article will, in turn, read the comments left below.
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While this may not give you backlinks or boost SEO directly, it can boost targeted web traffic rolling into your site, and it could even lead to more social shares. Both of these things feed into SEO, so you’re getting a step or two closer to improving your rankings.
When you’ve contributed something really valuable to the conversation—especially something that encourages readers to take action, like buy something or sign up for something—that link can lead to great new leads.
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Comments are resource intensive. Each time a user submits a comment on your WordPress site, your server runs a PHP script. If multiple users are submitting comments at the same time, this could slow down your site.
When a user leaves a comment on your site, there is no way for them to find out if anyone has replied to their comment. They will have to bookmark the page and visit it later. Most users will not do that.
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No Allan @ 11.01.2021 08:59
Happy New Year!!!
See our presents and offer from our team:
No QGW4JDA7158CYK4WXF @ 15.02.2021 03:04
QGW4JDA7158CYK4WXF How to get to you ? I need to get a consultation
No QGWXCEO8DO3VOY4WXF @ 14.03.2021 12:57
I have a small question for you
Take the lead.
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No Demetra @ 11.07.2021 14:19
Mobile proxies. Ukraine. Vodafone. LifeCell. Kyivstar.
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We will glad to cooperate with you.
PiratProxy Team
No QGW2XVU3T1S0TVQWXF @ 22.08.2021 01:43
QGW2XVU3T1S0TVQWXF Where are you located ? I want to come to you one of these days
No Anh @ 27.04.2022 07:06
Рады приветствовать вас!
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- Выполнение на протяжении 40-240 часов. Растянем по времени как угодно.
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Телега: @exrumer
WhatsApp: +7(977)536-08-36
icq: 5688885
Работаем со Студиями!
No Caleb @ 06.06.2022 18:27
Рады приветствовать вас!
Можем предложить самые лучшие прогоны "киллеры" для веб-сайтов конкурентов. Цена: от 2 000 р.
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- Собрана специфическая база - выжимка самых "смертельных" площадок из 10 млн. веб-сайтов (вирусы, спамные, порно и так далее). Работает безотказно.
- Прогон выполняем одновременно с 4 серверов.
- Постоянная отправка активационных ссылок на официальный e-mail.
- Растянем по времени сколько угодно.
- Прогоняем с запрещёнными ключевыми фразами.
Телегрм: @exrumer
WhatsApp: +7(977)536-08-36
icq: 5688885
Только Эти!
No Petr @ 18.06.2022 10:10
Добрый вечер!
Хотим порекомендовать лучшие "смертоносные" прогоны для веб-сайтов вашего конкурента. Всего от 2 000 р.
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- Прогон осуществляем сразу с 4 серверов.
- Постоянная отправка вирусных ссылок на электронный ящик.
- Выполнение в течение 40-240 часов. Можем растянуть как угодно по времени.
- Прогон с запретными ключевыми словами.
Телега: @exrumer
WhatsApp: +7(977)536-08-36
icq: 5688885
Только Эти!
Доброго утра!
Хотим предложить самые лучшие прогоны "убийцы" для веб-сайтов ваших конкурентов. Всего от 2 000 руб.
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- Постоянный спам вирусных ссылок на официальный email.
- Выполнение на протяжении 40-240 часов день и ночь. Растянем сколько угодно по времени.
- Прогоняем с запретными ключевыми фразами.
Телега: @exrumer
WhatsApp: +7(977)536-08-36
icq: 5688885
Только Эти!
No Petr @ 26.07.2022 19:33
С радостью приветствуем вас!
Наша фирма предлагает самые лучшие "смертоносные" прогоны для сайтов вашего конкурента. Стоимость: всего от 2 000 р.
- 100% эффект. Веб-сайты конкурентов "упадут".
- Максимально возможное число отрицательных фитбеков.
- Собрана специфическая база - самые "убийственные" площадки из 10 000 000 ресурсов (порно, вирусы, спам и т.д.). Это действует бесперебойно.
- Прогон делаем сразу с 4-х мощных серверов.
- Непрерывный спам вирусных ссылок на электронную почту.
- Выполнение заказа на протяжении 40-240 часов в любое время суток. Можем растянуть по времени сколько угодно.
- Прогоняем с запрещёнными ключами.
Telgrm: @exrumer
WhatsApp: +7(977)536-08-36
icq: 5688885
Только Эти!
No Ryder @ 04.09.2022 17:17
Where are you located?
No Bill @ 16.09.2022 01:11
Please tell me what is the name of the tool for improving memory and mental abilities. It also increases efficiency and gives strength. I just forgot what it's called, I took it from you on this site >>> >>> This remedy helped me a lot after a fashionable illness today!
No Tracy @ 02.10.2022 10:33
Доброе утро!
Выполняем самые лучшие прогоны "киллеры" для сайтов ваших конкурентов. Стоимость: от 2 000 рублей.
- Стопроцентный результат. Сайты точно "умрут".
- Максимально возможное количество негативных фитбеков.
- Собрана специальная база - самые "смертельные" площадки из 10 000 000 сайтов (вирусы, спам, порно и тому подобные). Работает бесперебойно.
- Прогон производим одновременно с 4-х серверов.
- Постоянный спам вирусных ссылок на e-mail.
- Выполнение заказа на протяжении 40-240 часов. Можем растянуть как угодно по времени.
- Прогон с запрещёнными ключами.
Telgrm: @exrumer
WhatsApp: +7(977)536-08-36
icq: 5688885
Только эти!
No Luther @ 18.10.2022 02:00
Рады приветствовать вас!
Готовы выполнить самые лучшие "смертельные" прогоны для веб-сайтов ваших конкурентов. Стоимость: всего от 2000 р.
- 100% результат. Веб-сайты точно "умрут".
- Максимальное количество негативных фитбеков.
- Наша специальная база - выжимка максимально "смертельных" площадок из 10 млн. веб-сайтов (вирусных, спамных, порно и тому подобных). Это действует безотказно.
- Прогон делаем одновременно с 4-х мощных серверов.
- Отправка активационных ссылок на официальный e-mail.
- Растянем по времени как угодно.
- Прогоняем с запретными ключевыми словами.
Telgrm: @exrumer
WhatsApp: +7(977)536-08-36
icq: 5688885
Только эти!
No QGWW2GSH95EPY97WXF @ 09.12.2022 13:32
Hi! Please tell me the number of your office, I will come to you tomorrow. QGWW2GSH95EPY97WXF