Jau šo pirmdien 3.kursa fiziķis Artūrs Brūveris laboja vairāk kā septiņas reizes iepriekšējo rekordu par konstanti e. Viņš pilnīgi precīzi noskaitīja 200 ciparus aiz komata. Tagad viņš ķeries klāt arī konstantei Pi un jau šo ceturtdien 5.maijā plkst. 12.10 pie Studentu padomes telpas mēģinās pārspēt iepriekšējo rekordu - 80 zīmes aiz komata.
Uzreiz jāsaka, ka ar šo nebeigsies šī gada konstanšu rekordu bums, jo par konstanti Pi interesi ir izrādījis vēl arī cits students. Kurš? Gan jau ka ar laiku uzzināsiet!
No Bēts @ 05.05.2011 15:25
Biju klat pie Pi skaitisanas un tiesam viennozimigi - monstrs!!!
No Elīna @ 05.05.2011 19:05
Artūr, cik ciparus Pi noskaitīji? :)
No Ārčijs @ 08.05.2011 21:12
No Bēts @ 10.05.2011 23:59
Esmu dzirdejis, ka Arciju vakar kads ir parspejis...
Select Windows Update and choose the name of the printer. If your printer is not present in the results, you will need to go back to the Find a printer by other options. Find the printer and install all the updates available to fix your printer issues. http://www.customersupportcare.com/hp-printer-supp...
One commonly seen error message on Apple computers featuring Mac OS X, features a pop up announcing that the printer is not responding to printing queries. If you come across “the printer is not responding Mac” queries while using a multifunction printer, try the below steps to fix the error. http://www.customersupportcare.com/xerox-printer-s...
Note that if the printer is nowhere to be found in that list, you need to verify that it’s connected to the wireless network. For instructions on that, refer to the user guide that came with the model. http://www.customersupportcare.com/lexmark-printer...
If you are using a USB cable to connect the printer and Mac PC, ensure that this is securely connected to either port. Furthermore, make sure that USB 2.0 cable is used for this, and that the distance from the computer to printer is less than 6 feet. In case the error persists despite ensuring this, try the below things:
After you have installed the Printer application (which only takes 5-10 minutes), you simply go into “Tools”, select “Import/Export” and then select “Import Microsoft printers into Printer Installer as Direct IP printers.”
At this point you can browse out through Active Directory or specify the hostname of the print server(s). It will give you a drop down list of every printer/queue setup on the server, that you can then import/copy into Printer Installer by simply clicking on one printer or all of them, selecting a destination folder on the right (from Folder structure you create within Printer Installer) then hit a green arrow in the middle.
The ongoing distribution strategy contains efficiency monitoring and assessment in real-time along with rapid item iteration. There is a clearer item vision and known item plan in spot for specs after the original launch, as well as a framework for assessing present functions. Continuous distribution is an nimble development strategy, focusing on the “fast follow” and quick distribution to deal with technological.
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